Me me me

orange flower

Nice summer outfit

Model Mini. Old picture. Cute dress. Beautiful roses. Nice photograph.
this dress is a beauty

new hairstyle

What do YOU think?
this is gisele bundchen!

Nice to know that no one is perfect!
Kate moss

Yes believe it or not this is Messy MIss Moss.
Car seems cool though...
smaken ar som baken

Hej Jenny, som svar pa din postning.. jag tyckte inte hon var sa snygg i bilden nedan. Jag gillade inte harfargen och tycker inte att hon e sa fin utan smink. Men daremot den har bilden e hur snygg som helst, och jag gillar verkligen fargerna, posen och kompositionen. Snyggt foto helt enkelt. Puss
scarlett johansen looking a bit freaky

Freaky nicky hilton as a teenager!

Help I am scared.
She sure did clean up well, didn't she?
Vote of the week - Which look suits kate bosworth the best?

I think the middle - no question.
Victoria, you look like an unproportional little old lady

It is such a shame about the boob job. She shouldn't have done it. I don't even know whether to put this picture under Fashion or Celebs... Maybe Vic should have her own category. lol
Victoria Beckham... they way we liked her.
Although this style is a couple of years old I still like it.
The casual jeans and the long hair etc. And the 'normal' boobs.
She shouldn't have done what she did. I feel sorry for her.
I think she seems unhappy. Not surprising really.
If only David could keep his bits in the right place so to speak.

The casual jeans and the long hair etc. And the 'normal' boobs.
She shouldn't have done what she did. I feel sorry for her.
I think she seems unhappy. Not surprising really.
If only David could keep his bits in the right place so to speak.

Yes I do like the pink dress... and the long hair

But why does she look so scared? Always so stiff, she never smiles anymore...
Gisele Bundchen puts on a bit of weight and they call her fat!
She is not fat! She is gorgeous. I love the vest and the belt too.

Also while I am feeling opinionated may I just say Well Done getting rid of Leonardo di Caprio.
He is ugly and he seems like a d*ckhead as well. Good ridance, girl.

Also while I am feeling opinionated may I just say Well Done getting rid of Leonardo di Caprio.
He is ugly and he seems like a d*ckhead as well. Good ridance, girl.
Jessica has done a Paris Hilton
...and died her hair dark brown. Kind of stating ' I am so hot, every one likes me, I can do what I want'.
Well guess what? I am about as tired of Paris and Jessica as I am of Beyonce and J Lo. And that is baaad. Yuck.
Leave room for your younger sisters Nikki and Ashley, they are much cooler than you are.

Having said that this hair does suit Jessica and she pulls off the dark look better than Paris.
Well guess what? I am about as tired of Paris and Jessica as I am of Beyonce and J Lo. And that is baaad. Yuck.
Leave room for your younger sisters Nikki and Ashley, they are much cooler than you are.

Having said that this hair does suit Jessica and she pulls off the dark look better than Paris.
I didn't know about these!!

Ashley Simpson's Nose Job!!

I am not promoting plastic surgery or anything but honestly she looks SOOO much better afterwards in my opinion. She looks perfect. I wish I looked like that.
I can't believe this is the same person!!

I really like this pink and gold dress. And I would kill to have such amazing blue eyes.
But WHAT'S UP with the picture on the left. First she has a boob job, then she puts on loads of weight. Thenshe cuts her hair off (or just removes the extensions) - then she loses her tan and has liposuction. Only to put the weight back on again but this time with more scars on her body. Such a shame...

I really like this pink and gold dress. And I would kill to have such amazing blue eyes.
But WHAT'S UP with the picture on the left. First she has a boob job, then she puts on loads of weight. Thenshe cuts her hair off (or just removes the extensions) - then she loses her tan and has liposuction. Only to put the weight back on again but this time with more scars on her body. Such a shame...
Paris dark hair

Ah! Busted! Paris is actually not that hot. Ok maybe this is just a bad picture.
She is beautiful, but I think some of the hype is cause of the blonde hair.
She once said in an interview that she asks girls whether they think she should dye her hair black and if they say 'yes' she knows they are just jealous. I am not jealous and I definitely think blonde is better. So there.