A picture says more than a thousand words. Daily inspiration from art, design, fashion, photography and architecture including some of my own work; My life in images.
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To book model / actor James Palmer email [email protected]
Art... actually
This year we have exams (3 in January) in Building Services, Thermofluids and Maths as well as studio first term with Final crit on 30th January.... which means our entire studio mark depends on one project.
We also have dissertation, have to hand the first thing in in Feb, and the final thing in in April. Then we have 4 more exams in May which is Building services, Electronics, Thermofluids and History of Architecture. I WILL ONLY BE HOME FOR 6 DAYS THIS CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!
This year will be crazy. My dissertation is going to be about environmental issues in office buildings, it sounds pretty straight forward but is in fact weird, difficult, abstract and scary... I will tell you more when I know more.
Next year is my last year here in Nottingham and I will have completed my Masters Degree. If I continue after that it will be one year out... of workpractice... and then 2 more years, which IF I DID it, would DEFINITELY NOT be in Nottingham. Maybe London.
But I feel now that I'll probably want to work.
I just want to sit and paint all day to be honest. And take amazing photos. And design stuff. And make books and magazines..... In fact I know exactly what I want to do but would need a lot of money to start off with.... My business idea has stuck with me for ages. I cannot really say that piping systems excite me. The picture above this article has got nothing to do with the text, but that is approximately symbolic for my course and my hobbies.....
But I feel now that I'll probably want to work.
And take amazing photos.
And design stuff.
And make books and magazines.....
In fact I know exactly what I want to do but would need a lot of money to start off with.... My business idea has stuck with me for ages. I cannot really say that piping systems excite me. The picture above this article has got nothing to do with the text, but that is approximately symbolic for my course and my hobbies.....