pink party
Had a really good night out on Monday night. The best one in a long time. I really needed it cause I have had so many bad ones that I was starting to think I don't enjoy going out anymore!! But luckily I was wrong. It was hawaiian theme but since I missed Barbie theme last week I combined the two and went for an outfit in white, pink, silver and gold. And wearing the pale pink necklace Aelys got me from Mexico aswell.

However, I have recently learned that it is still very cold and wintery weather in Sweden and I am guessing the thought of buying new bikinis and summer clothes seems a bit distant for those of you who aren't lucky enough to be in Australia or anything like that. Therefore I will chill with the hot weather outfit for a bit.
I will even take a look at Autumn fashion for 2007 before I study the Spring fashion for 2007 cause I am a nutter like that.
Lots of Love,

However, I have recently learned that it is still very cold and wintery weather in Sweden and I am guessing the thought of buying new bikinis and summer clothes seems a bit distant for those of you who aren't lucky enough to be in Australia or anything like that. Therefore I will chill with the hot weather outfit for a bit.
I will even take a look at Autumn fashion for 2007 before I study the Spring fashion for 2007 cause I am a nutter like that.
Lots of Love,
Postat av: Jossan
PHOTOS!!!!! We want photos of that Barbie goes to Hawaii outfit!!!!
Postat av: Jenny
Man blir lite avis på vinter och framför allt höst modet.. själv är det bara shorts och klänningar som gäller och de har inga årstider här alls. Så jag saknar absolut känslan att öppna en nya höst/vinter katalog och ta på mig den där snygga tjockstickade tröjan och nya stövlarna.. men inte så mycket mer just nu :-)
Har ju dock 2 par helt oanvända höststövlar som jag bara väntar på att få tillfälle att använda om ngr månader eller ngn utgång snart, de har legat i garderoben sen i Augusti :-)
Sen håller jag med jossan, lite bilder från utgången vore kul att se.