Performance Venue _ Concept
I started thinking about what kind of performance types I like and the answer is definitely singing, dancing and musical instruments. I love music. The type of musical performance I know the most about would have to be concerts since I have played different instruments continuously since the age of eight as well as singing in a choir and performing on stage. During the introduction to this project I was particularly inspired by ‘est’ - Esbjorn Svensson Trio, a Swedish group which we saw performing on a screen (a live performance). When I got home I downloaded the music and listened to it in my room. Interesting… The music is so much better if you see them play. I was watching their fingers dance across the instruments as they played, and I decided I want to use the visual part of a concert which contributes to making it a show, as well as the obvious audio aspect of it.
I want to emphasise the visual experience of a concert, which already is a sound experience in itself, by introducing the different types of instruments and showing what they look like inside and how they work, as well as how they are made, on a huge screen which expands across the audience; a so called IMAX cinema. The journey continues to unexpected parts of the world. The musicians can choose different ways to bring out their music and enhance their performance by for instance, showing animal life in the depths of the rainforest with a simultaneous educational purpose – or an imaginary world reminiscent of Walt Disney’s Fantasia. The purpose is using vision as a complement to the concert for educational purpose and to take the spectators on a journey as a complete musical experience.
The planetarium in Stockholm, Sweden, has an omnimax theatre - COSMONOVA - with a gigantic dome-shaped screen and blasting surround sound which makes the features shown a truly impressive experience. You really feel like you are right there, interacting with the music and what is happening on the screen. I am designing an IMAX Dome Concert Hall where the musicians are strictly speaking in front of you on the stage, while you are enveloped by the film that accompanies the piece of music being performed, be it the desert, the South Pole or simply a view of the stars in the sky.
The building I am proposing would encourage people to learn more about music and instruments, or anything else for that matter, as an alternative hobby to modern day children’s activities which too often involve television and computer games along with eating sweets and fast food. The concept can be used for practically any field of education. As well as providing entertainment this is an initiative to solve the population’s unhealthy habits. The design celebrates the performance type by making it possible too see the dome from the outside and also from the inside of the building. The anticipation of the experience starts before you enter the building. Additionally, the interior is school-group friendly and has an area outside the bar with tables and chairs, allowing classes of children to enjoy packed lunch.
I want to emphasise the visual experience of a concert, which already is a sound experience in itself, by introducing the different types of instruments and showing what they look like inside and how they work, as well as how they are made, on a huge screen which expands across the audience; a so called IMAX cinema. The journey continues to unexpected parts of the world. The musicians can choose different ways to bring out their music and enhance their performance by for instance, showing animal life in the depths of the rainforest with a simultaneous educational purpose – or an imaginary world reminiscent of Walt Disney’s Fantasia. The purpose is using vision as a complement to the concert for educational purpose and to take the spectators on a journey as a complete musical experience.
The planetarium in Stockholm, Sweden, has an omnimax theatre - COSMONOVA - with a gigantic dome-shaped screen and blasting surround sound which makes the features shown a truly impressive experience. You really feel like you are right there, interacting with the music and what is happening on the screen. I am designing an IMAX Dome Concert Hall where the musicians are strictly speaking in front of you on the stage, while you are enveloped by the film that accompanies the piece of music being performed, be it the desert, the South Pole or simply a view of the stars in the sky.
The building I am proposing would encourage people to learn more about music and instruments, or anything else for that matter, as an alternative hobby to modern day children’s activities which too often involve television and computer games along with eating sweets and fast food. The concept can be used for practically any field of education. As well as providing entertainment this is an initiative to solve the population’s unhealthy habits. The design celebrates the performance type by making it possible too see the dome from the outside and also from the inside of the building. The anticipation of the experience starts before you enter the building. Additionally, the interior is school-group friendly and has an area outside the bar with tables and chairs, allowing classes of children to enjoy packed lunch.

September 2006

poem of the day
turn the page on the day
walk away
rhubarb and custard verses
eyes transfixed with a piercing gaze
the fire burns, cracks and smoulders
the war is over
the bells ring
the lazy ways the birds sing
admit defeat
in the afterlife gladiators meet their maker
stand by me my apprentice
be brave
clench fists
walk away
rhubarb and custard verses
eyes transfixed with a piercing gaze
the fire burns, cracks and smoulders
the war is over
the bells ring
the lazy ways the birds sing
admit defeat
in the afterlife gladiators meet their maker
stand by me my apprentice
be brave
clench fists
Wick shoes from Dune

Apologies, can't rotate picture on this computer
Sketch by Cara

Fierce dragon
Jelly beans on glass table

Really cool photo, I like the way the beans reflect twice since the glass has
a thickness. Also, the reflection of the window and the trees outside make
an interesting backround.
Taken with my camera phone!
Pretty present from Aelys

with dried flowers for decoration

Sorry about the head tilting

Note how the clothes hooks are 'diamonds'

Swedish lessons
WOW han ar snygg, give me his phone number asap. hiss, ja, nej, hej, sverige, sven gorann erikson, tak, fjort, fyllaril, tongis, sex, ben, skansen, frytt val, yag ar largomme, yag ar snygg, YAG AR SVETIG, apen, spinden, du es snygg, these are most of the words i know and now cara is laughing at me.
Swedish Translation; this is what it was supposed to be but apparently Swedish spelling is difficult.
hiss, ja, nej, hej, sverige, sven gorann erikson, tack, forlat, fjaril, tungis, sex, ben, skansen, fritt fall, jag ar lagom, jag ar snygg, JAG AR SVETTIG, apa, spindel, du ar snygg.
Archi torture
Cara is revising for exams in Thermofluids, Calculus for Engineers (Maths) and Environmental Building Services Design. It is HELL. Will be back when life gets better. xxx

Aaaaah,,,,, look down... answer is the Good Shephard

Heat Transfer Coefficient

Angelina Jolie and Matt Damon? Can anyone tell me what film this is from?
Legs without legs

Art is art... Le art pour le art or something like that. Art for art's sake, and nothing else.
I am whatever I say I am, if I wasn't then why would I say I am?

Personally I don't think coloured tights suit me but they can look cool on other people.
I like the movement in the pictures and the non-perfect surroundings. Also, I like the fact that it is the same kind of weather as we have here now, so we don't have to look at summer pictures and go green with envy, alternatively freeze our butts off trying to follow the trends.... ha ha

Fashion picture...

It's an interesting yet rather weird way to show clothes. They are also showing bag and phone but I think the clothes are supposed to be the main focus. Is this how to get people's attention, eh? By lying across the car window so they can't drive?
Nice Jeans

I wonder what make it is...
Environmental Services

Boiler House
Vent sizing in summer
Project January 2007
Picture by Cara, Photoshop
Cheetah cub

I can't believe how cute this is. Fluffy! I want one.

Cute doggy

plan drawing by Cara
Design by Cara

Drawing by Cara

Sketch by Cara

Cara Design

Cara drawings

Cara Sketch

Happy New Year

Miss you guys