I want this bikini!!!!!

And jacket.. and tan... and shoes. Basically wish it was me ho ho ho
I love this picture

It's kind of 70's inspired and I love the colours and the white bag.
It's almost as if you would expect a parrot to be popping it's head out too.
i need a pee

scarlett johansen looking a bit freaky

Freaky nicky hilton as a teenager!

Help I am scared.
She sure did clean up well, didn't she?
Vote of the week - Which look suits kate bosworth the best?

I think the middle - no question.
I have new white jeans!

Mine are from River Island. i love them. I wore them with my new big brown bag with gold buckles before I saw this photo of Vic. We are so cool.
Below right is and old pic from back when they were still happy...

Victoria, you look like an unproportional little old lady

It is such a shame about the boob job. She shouldn't have done it. I don't even know whether to put this picture under Fashion or Celebs... Maybe Vic should have her own category. lol
Victoria Beckham... they way we liked her.
Although this style is a couple of years old I still like it.
The casual jeans and the long hair etc. And the 'normal' boobs.
She shouldn't have done what she did. I feel sorry for her.
I think she seems unhappy. Not surprising really.
If only David could keep his bits in the right place so to speak.

The casual jeans and the long hair etc. And the 'normal' boobs.
She shouldn't have done what she did. I feel sorry for her.
I think she seems unhappy. Not surprising really.
If only David could keep his bits in the right place so to speak.

Yes I do like the pink dress... and the long hair

But why does she look so scared? Always so stiff, she never smiles anymore...
Gisele Bundchen puts on a bit of weight and they call her fat!
She is not fat! She is gorgeous. I love the vest and the belt too.

Also while I am feeling opinionated may I just say Well Done getting rid of Leonardo di Caprio.
He is ugly and he seems like a d*ckhead as well. Good ridance, girl.

Also while I am feeling opinionated may I just say Well Done getting rid of Leonardo di Caprio.
He is ugly and he seems like a d*ckhead as well. Good ridance, girl.
Jessica has done a Paris Hilton
...and died her hair dark brown. Kind of stating ' I am so hot, every one likes me, I can do what I want'.
Well guess what? I am about as tired of Paris and Jessica as I am of Beyonce and J Lo. And that is baaad. Yuck.
Leave room for your younger sisters Nikki and Ashley, they are much cooler than you are.

Having said that this hair does suit Jessica and she pulls off the dark look better than Paris.
Well guess what? I am about as tired of Paris and Jessica as I am of Beyonce and J Lo. And that is baaad. Yuck.
Leave room for your younger sisters Nikki and Ashley, they are much cooler than you are.

Having said that this hair does suit Jessica and she pulls off the dark look better than Paris.
Is it me or has she got quite a bit bigger?

Hello my name is Jessica and my hair is fake.
She has never been stick thin and she shouldn't be either.
She is famous for her curves and 'having them in the right places'
but this is larger than we have seen in a long time isn't it?
Change of style
I had to change the design of my blogg. Mainly because the font size of the last one was so annoyingly small and tha kind of made me not bother writing anything and just letting the pictures speak for themselves. At least this appearance allows you to read without squinting - or maybe it's just my stupid eyes. I wish I could just create my own design entirely but I don't now how to. And I really really wish I could change the horrible pictures at the top. I would never wear the ugly red shoes or those glasses. Or the orange top! Save me!
I didn't know about these!!

Ashley Simpson's Nose Job!!

I am not promoting plastic surgery or anything but honestly she looks SOOO much better afterwards in my opinion. She looks perfect. I wish I looked like that.
I can't believe this is the same person!!

I really like this pink and gold dress. And I would kill to have such amazing blue eyes.
But WHAT'S UP with the picture on the left. First she has a boob job, then she puts on loads of weight. Thenshe cuts her hair off (or just removes the extensions) - then she loses her tan and has liposuction. Only to put the weight back on again but this time with more scars on her body. Such a shame...

I really like this pink and gold dress. And I would kill to have such amazing blue eyes.
But WHAT'S UP with the picture on the left. First she has a boob job, then she puts on loads of weight. Thenshe cuts her hair off (or just removes the extensions) - then she loses her tan and has liposuction. Only to put the weight back on again but this time with more scars on her body. Such a shame...
Paris dark hair

Ah! Busted! Paris is actually not that hot. Ok maybe this is just a bad picture.
She is beautiful, but I think some of the hype is cause of the blonde hair.
She once said in an interview that she asks girls whether they think she should dye her hair black and if they say 'yes' she knows they are just jealous. I am not jealous and I definitely think blonde is better. So there.
Gossip page. Celebrities. Very juicy. Do it
Like for instance; did you know Joe Simpson fancies his daughters Jessica and Ashley? Dirty bastard.
Gossip page. Celebrities. Very juicy. Do it
Like for instance; did you know Joe Simpson fancies his daughters Jessica and Ashley? Dirty bastard.
I want this t-shirt - Madonna

I want this t-shirt - Jessica Alba

Now this one I really like. It goes well with the earrings and the bag, as well as the sun glasses.
The earrings are not my style however, but it all looks very cool and summery.
I can't wait for summer!!!!!
I want this t-shirt... maybe

I want this t-shirt and hoodie!

Hmmm, that is not completely true. I like the combination and I like the colours, but taking a closer look at the picture I see that I jumped to conclusions too quickly. I don't think I would feel comfortable walking around with a half-naked woman on my chest...
I want this t-shirt - Model Tui

I want this t-shirt - Natalie Portman

Favourite actress right now: NATALIE PORTMAN

Watched LEON last night. For the second time. It is SO GOOD. I like the way it is filmed and Natalie Portman is such a good actress for her age (then).
'Brown and white'

Audrey Hepburn + Angelina Jolie = Natalie Portman

I always lie up-side-down in sofas, listening to music, wearing boots and no trousers with boxes scattered around me. Every day.
Has anyone seen Closer? I've seen it twice. Think I might watch it again tonight.
Natalie from CLOSER

Natalie for VOGUE

Pulp Fiction crosses musical Chicago
This is not from Vogue, this is my interpretation.
Natalie ART

Natalie Blonde

Natalie Black and White

Natalie Portman

Where is his brain?
Stupid Americans!!!
Best Dream
I dreamt that I was going to Australia to see Jenny with Carro B and Aelys! We had booked the tickets in the last minute so we hadn't even had the time to ring Jenny and tell her! Ha ha. And I had to stop in Zurich and empty a whole room of my stuff. Random! My whole family was there and getting involved. I was travelling with about 3 suitcases and 3 big moving boxes and large picture frames etc. For some reason I had to take everything to Sydney .The boxes were full of old diaries and stuff that one can't NOT keep but doens't want to throw out. Anyway we were on the train to the airport and we found this room full of clothes. Some of the stuff was mine that I hadn't used in ages. Really nice tops and skirts and shoes and bags and necklaces. I was throwing my own stuff out and filling my bags with these nice tops and things, some of which I have to draw later. Suddenly Aelys, Carro and I were sitting outside waiting for something. It was hot and we were sitting in deck chairs. I stole a really cool poster from a phone booth and gave it to Aelys. The last thing that happened was that I was on the phone to Ben and he said he was in Sydney, had met up with Jenny and been surfing. I said 'Ah, wicked, we'll see you when we get there'. He said " nah, I'm on my way home now..' HA! RANDOM! WEIRD! FUNNY! miss you globe trotters xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jenny jag tror filmen heter Sag att Du alskar mig!
Har inte sett den
Yet another sketch which I really like but come to think of it I don't think I'd wear it. So what? I like the drawing.

Really nice drawing of a really nice shoe

Glad semmel day every one in Sweden
Peace out
Colours... dresses...

I wouldn't wear them but it's kind of a cool style and I like the picture

Ha ha ha ha - CUTE!!!

Before and after photoshop work

Lindsay Lohan Buys Marilyn Monroe?s Old Apartment

I suppose you could call this a tribute

Ups and downs

Sad story

OH MY G!!!!

This is SO much worse than when Victoria Beckham cut her hair last summer. And that took me 2 days to get over... I wonder how long my utter state of SHOCK will last this time...
New York Street Style

New York Street Style

New York Street Style

New York Street Style


Performance Venue
Cocktail time

Cara and Alan at Ocean



Note pad

Site plan
