Anna Cara

Cara Sinead Charlene Kamil

Anna Cara Sinead Charlie

Mixed party photos from Monday 2/10,
Friday 6/10,
Wednesday 11/10,
Thursday 12/10,
Saturday 14/10,
Friday 20/10,
Saturday 21/10
and Thursday 26/10
Cara Anna at Ocean

Sara Anna Cara

EuskoTren Headquarters, Durango, Spain

EuskoTren Headquarters
By Zaha Hadid
One of my new favourite Architects
Supermodel who can also draw

Daria W
Love the bag

Really really really nice bag.
Adorable Coat

Erin Wasson
Firstview has been updated

Music recommendation of the day - est
Esbjorn Svensson Trio, just discovered this band thanks to one of my tutors, who's name ironically is Jaz (And I don't even like Jazz)
The music is a lot better if you see them play. It sounds corny but their fingers dance across the instruments, and the lighting really helps get the right atmosphere.
If you're really keen - try to get hold of the video Esbjorn Svensson Trio LIVE IN STOCKHOLM.
(And let me know if you succeed!!!)
the picture has nothing to do with it


Sara and I have bought tickets for the ballett!
We are going to Swan Lake at the Royal Theatre on Wed 29th of November.


Swan Lake

Jempa babie
Just had to bring to attention this beautiful camera because I am very jealous - and it's also a nice homepage.
Just had to bring to attention this beautiful camera because I am very jealous - and it's also a nice homepage.
Art... actually

My course!

I just found out... after two years here and half way through my degree.... what i will be when
I'm done.
I'm done.
If you're interested... I will be a "Building Services Engineer". This, to normal people, means
heating systems, cooling systems, pipes, radiators, glazing, heat loss, pressure drop, boilers,
tanks, ventilation etc. (ie building services)
heating systems, cooling systems, pipes, radiators, glazing, heat loss, pressure drop, boilers,
tanks, ventilation etc. (ie building services)
If I had known in advance.. I would probably NOT have chosen this course, I like Maths, but
mainly ART and PHOTOGRAPHY...
mainly ART and PHOTOGRAPHY...
I would have to do 3 more years to be an Architect anyway!
but in retrospect... I have learned how to draw houses, read plans, ...structures and construction
(foundations and stability etc), extended my maths skills, learned computer programmes
like Photoshop and Autocad, as well as 3d modelling.
(foundations and stability etc), extended my maths skills, learned computer programmes
like Photoshop and Autocad, as well as 3d modelling.
And what's more I will have a degree and a Master's is not to be sniffed at.
ALSO, I have become a lot more interested in the environment, learning about sustainability...
this knowledge will be very very useful for my future especially if I work within this field
but also if I move onto a different track.
this knowledge will be very very useful for my future especially if I work within this field
but also if I move onto a different track.


Karl Lagerfeld's aural obsession is almost as well-known as his aesthetic one—he owns upwards of 70 iPods and needs every gigabyte to hold his collection of over 60,000 CDs. Now the designer is sharing a portion of the wealth with Karl Lagerfeld: Les Musiques Que J'aime [My favorite songs], a two disc set that is divided into an “at home” mix (anything from Black Mountain to LCD Soundsystem) and an equally eclectic selection of “fashion show” tracks (from Stravinsky to Stereolab). Its US release is scheduled for November, but Karl obsessives can snag a copy right now through
Fashion observation

NB! This is such an old photo and look at the lining of the coat!
Leopard print is so super duper in now, and they are so super duper before
their time! Well done SATC. But... what happened to the other shoe?
Ha ha ha ha

Who decides what is art?

I have got to get hold of the Gucci pictures Absolute Vodka did with Tom Ford.
This one is from Sex and the City which makes it even better.
And it is a good photo. What? It's a good photo!!!

I just like it. It's so simple and yet so sweet. Stylish. Swedish.
Style - best fashion page
Better than Firstview because you can search on models as well as designers,
and you can see videos as well as pictures.
Click on "videos" to the left.
I love Fendi and Versace and and and..... I could go on forever.
Better than Firstview because you can search on models as well as designers,
and you can see videos as well as pictures.
Click on "videos" to the left.
I love Fendi and Versace and and and..... I could go on forever.
Such a cool glass cube outside the entrance

It makes you want to go inside to see more, which I assume is the point.
I love white furniture and I love the black art on the glass.
Design museum in London, I like the chairs outside!

Rose of the day....
... goes to Jenny for being so cute. Du får skriva på vilket språk du vill. puss
Smiley of the day
:-+ means kiss
Film tips of the day
I actually have two recommendations to make - I hired North Country about a month ago (starring Charlize Theron) and really liked. The film is good and it has it's funny bits but it's also very provoking. It made me angry. (Don't watch it if you hate men) ha ha.
Also, went to the cinema last Sunday and saw Children of Men starring Clive Owen. I like him. I've seen him in Closer and Beyond Borders and they are both really good too. Children of Men is a very dark film, and scary in the sense that the future could be so horrible. But it really makes you think. Closer is just cool because I love relationship films and when I watched Beyond Borders (also starring Angelina Jolie) I was crying merely five minutes into the film. It's so terrible and really made me want to do something "good" in this world.
Also, went to the cinema last Sunday and saw Children of Men starring Clive Owen. I like him. I've seen him in Closer and Beyond Borders and they are both really good too. Children of Men is a very dark film, and scary in the sense that the future could be so horrible. But it really makes you think. Closer is just cool because I love relationship films and when I watched Beyond Borders (also starring Angelina Jolie) I was crying merely five minutes into the film. It's so terrible and really made me want to do something "good" in this world.
i Tunes 7.0.1 - design tip of the day
Download new iTunes 7.0.1. It's so awesome because you can see the cd's like in a dukebox and you can download the album covers off iTunes.
In My World
Hello and welcome to my blogg. I like to think of this as my design diary,
where I won't necessarily write every day but post ideas when I have them
and share my thoughts when I am feeling inspired.
I might call everything art, but it may not be what you immediately think of as art,
like painting or dancing. In my world everything is art... Walking along the street
is art for me because I see things in pictures. I will see photos in my everyday life
and I know a good picture when I see one. Getting ready for a night out is art if you like!!
'doing your makeup, combining items of clothing into an outfit and listening to music'...
Mixing the 'perfect shade of eyeshadow', making the perfect cocktail and creating the
perfect playlist on your computer...
When I watch films the photography can sometimes capture my attention and I think less of the story.
There will most definitely be a lot of photos on this web page because a picture
says more than a thousand words.
And although I would love to write a thousand words I probably don't have the time :-)
Happy reading.
where I won't necessarily write every day but post ideas when I have them
and share my thoughts when I am feeling inspired.
I might call everything art, but it may not be what you immediately think of as art,
like painting or dancing. In my world everything is art... Walking along the street
is art for me because I see things in pictures. I will see photos in my everyday life
and I know a good picture when I see one. Getting ready for a night out is art if you like!!
'doing your makeup, combining items of clothing into an outfit and listening to music'...
Mixing the 'perfect shade of eyeshadow', making the perfect cocktail and creating the
perfect playlist on your computer...
When I watch films the photography can sometimes capture my attention and I think less of the story.
There will most definitely be a lot of photos on this web page because a picture
says more than a thousand words.
And although I would love to write a thousand words I probably don't have the time :-)
Happy reading.
But I feel now that I'll probably want to work.
And take amazing photos.
And design stuff.
And make books and magazines.....
In fact I know exactly what I want to do but would need a lot of money to start off with.... My business idea has stuck with me for ages. I cannot really say that piping systems excite me. The picture above this article has got nothing to do with the text, but that is approximately symbolic for my course and my hobbies.....